Thursday, November 11, 2010

November 11th

Today has been a relatively calm day with Jackson.  His breathing settings were good, and he needs absolutely no assisted breathing at all other than the extra oxygen.  He was calm and resting most of the day, except of one spell where he fought his nurse when she came in to do his assessment.  The only other settings change came with an increased amount of feeding to 20mL an hour every 3 hours.  He is tolerating the feeds really well, there is usually no residuals and he is pooping regularly.

Jackson was using his karate chop to keep the nurse away.

resting on his back, they gave him "boundaries" to keep him from playing around too much. But Jackson demanded that his foot be out.

1 comment:

  1. I can see it now Karate Kid part ... 5 ... 6 what are we on now? :)
