Thursday, October 7, 2010

Thursday Oct 7th

Jackson was started on antibiotics today because his red blood cells count was low and he has had fluid on his lungs. They took a culture sample and we will know more about the infection in 48 hours. but instead of waiting on the results they decided to go ahead and just start the antibiotics to be proactive and hopefully keep the infection from really setting in.

His chest xray this evening was much clearer and they think the surfactant given yesterday is beginning to help.

Tomorrow is a big day because Jackson will have his follow up eco-cardiogram to see if the PDA medication has helped and Julia will be having her staples removed.

He is no longer getting light treatment for jaundice so we are able to see his cute little face. They did have to increase his sedative because "he is a little punk" and tries to remove his tubes. I guess he is hard headed like both of his parents. 

One thing Jackson hasn't had issue with yet is his blood pressure. Here is a picture of his blood pressure cuff--its so tiny!!

And here is a picture of him resting this morning. He is too precious and he has definitely stolen our hearts.

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